美國 Motorola Xoom Wifi 邀請用戶測試 Jelly Bean

Motorola Xoom Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

在 Google I/O 上,Galaxy Nexus 和 Motorola Xoom 將會很快獲得 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean 升級。

Motorola 已經向旗下討論區內的 Xoom 用家發出電郵,邀請用家參與下一個版本更新的測試。雖然沒有明確寫著是測試那一個版本,但很明顯是 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean。

Thanks for joining the Motorola Feedback Network. We would like to invite to you take part in a software test for owners of the U.S. Wi-Fi Xoom. If you are not using a U.S. Wi-Fi Xoom, please excuse and ignore this message.

If you’re interested in testing new software and providing feedback about your experience, please fill out this short registration form:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=s8wLrWAR2ZbnUuF0A9SnDA_3d_3d

We recommend you respond as quickly as possible as start times are generally fluid. Please be patient if we don’t contact you right away — and be prepared for a launch at any time.
When we’re ready to begin we will send an email with more information, if you register successfully.

相信在測試開始後,應會有相閞資料甚或是將 ROM 抽出,各位 Xoom 用家可以留意!

