Play Store 將會有內置 Malware Scanner

Google Play Store

在早前推出的 Google Play Store v3.9.16 版本,原來已經內藏了一些有關 Malware Scanning 的設定,看來 Google 將來會為 Google Play Store 加入 Malware 掃描功能。

Android Police 網站將 Google Play Store v3.9.16 的 APK 檔案拆解,發現內裏有一系列關於 Malware Scanning 的字串。

App Check
“Allow Google to check all apps installed to this device for harmful behavior?
To learn more, go to Settings > Security.”

Installing this app may harm your device
Installation has been blocked
Google recommends that you do not install this app.
To protect you, Google has blocked the installation of this app.
App name: “%s”
I understand that this app may be dangerous.
Verify apps?

可以看到會有掃描已安裝 App 的功能;另外,亦會有 Google 提示警告安裝 App 可能對手機裝置有影響。

很久之前,Google 已在 Play Store 伺服器方面加入 Malware 檢測功能。而上述的設定就是在客戶端方面進行。

Wish List
除了 Malware Scanner 外,APK 內還找到 Wish 相關的字串設定。相信在稍後推出的 Google Play 可以讓用家標記 Apps/Games 至 Wish List 內!

Include in wishlist
Remove from wishlist
Adding %1$s to wishlist
Adding to wishlist
Removing %1$s from wishlist
Removing from wishlist
%1$s added to wishlist
%1$s removed from wishlist
%1$s could not be added to wishlist
%1$s could not be removed from wishlist
There are no items in your wishlist. To add items, tap the bookmark whenever you see it in the menu above.

不過,這都只是一些字串設定,實際功能/畫面還未看到。到底 Google 會在什麼時候推出這兩方面的新功能,還未清楚。過往,亦曾有類似的情況,在 Play Store APK 發現一些疑似新功能,但最終還是要等待好一段時間才推出/甚至未有推出!

資料來源:Android Police
