Google 製作了四張 Android 聖誕 Wallpapers

Google 在 Nexus Google+ 發佈了四張以聖誕做主題,並有 Android 機械人做主角的 Wallpapers。

四張 Wallpapers 都十分有趣,有 Android 跟北極熊玩 Tablet, 和企鵝們在冰屋內開 Party, 在凱旋門前溜冰, 還有圍在一起 BBQ!

We made some ‘Happy Holiday Cards’ to share with you this holiday season! Pass them along to friends and family by sharing this post and be sure to download the full high-resolution files…they make great wallpapers for your phone, tablet or desktop. Enjoy!

下面是四張 Wallpaper 的縮圖,原圖可以到 Nexus Google+ 下載

Google Android WallpapersGoogle Android WallpapersGoogle Android WallpapersGoogle Android Wallpapers
