[Samsung Style] 印度 “另類” Galaxy S4 宣傳

Samsung Style Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S4 宣傳廣告舖天蓋地,周圍都看到。在香港亦出了電視廣告,仲有句 Tag

GALAXY S4嘅智能設計拉近人與人嘅距離,將生活化繁為簡,實現智隨身.活隨心嘅風格:)

但睇完下面呢段印度 Samsung S4 發佈會的 Samsung Style 歌舞表演,大家感唔感受到 S4 “活隨心嘅風格” 呢 [sosad]


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Before this video I was insicure, now I’m surely gonna buy an HTC One. Tomorrow morning. In India. I think I’m also gonna response to this with a special arrangement of PSY’s “Gentleman”. The title of the song will be “Plastic is not Fantastic”.
