Google+ Hangouts 支援 Location Sharing, Animated Gif, SMS

Google+ Hangouts

Google+ Event 正在舉行,Vic Gundotra 介紹了 Goolge+ 多項新改能和改進,其中 Hangouts 加入三項新功能,還有一些改動。

– Location Sharing 簡單一按就可向友人分享所在位置
– 支援 Animated Gif
– 可整合 SMS 至 Hangouts 內

Hangouts 視像通話就像 Google+ 相片般,會加入 Auto Awesome 功能,可以自動調節通話時的影像光暗,更可在視像內加入不同效果。用家亦可預先計劃 Hangouts 視像通話,宣傳推廣這個Hangouts 視像通話。

Our first set of Google+ updates is for Hangouts. We’ve brought location sharing, GIFs and SMS to the Hangouts app. You can schedule Hangouts on Air and promote them in advance with a dedicated watch page. And we’ve added a feature to video calling that fixes and enhances lighting automatically.
