Google 推出 Helpouts, 網上實時視訊 “幫助” 平台

Google Helpouts

Google 今天正公佈 Helpouts 平台。Helpouts 就是一個網上視訊通話平台,可以讓用家在平台尋求不同類型的協助教學,亦可以向其他用家提供幫助。

Today, we’re announcing Helpouts—a new way to get and give help over live video. Our goal is simple: help people help each other. We want to use the convenience and efficiency of the web to enable everyone, no matter where they are or what time it is, to easily connect with someone who can help.

Help might be a quick answer to a problem you’re having right now, like how to fix your garage door, or how to remove a computer virus; or it might be guidance completing a project, like building a deck. It might be learning a new skill, like how to speak conversational French or how to draw cartoons; or it might be general advice on how to improve your fitness or your writing (I could use this right now).

不同類型 Helpouts
在 Helpouts 平台上,已有不同的 Helpouts 服務提供,有電腦 IT 相關的 (設立網頁, Debug, 電腦維修), 有教煮食, 運動, 音樂, 關於化粧打扮也有。有些是免費,亦有些是要收費的。收費形式亦有兩種,可以是以一整節 Helpouts 作固定收費,亦可以是每分鐘收費。

例如一些課堂形式教學就會以整節 Helpouts 收費,但一些較多互動又或是問答形式則可能以每分鐘收費。

Google Helpouts

簡單而言,就像是利用 Google Hangouts 跟對方視像通話進行 “教學幫助”,而 Helpouts 就是一個平台可以尋找各式各樣的幫助。


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