Facebook 跟 Facebook Messenger App 將分開, 跟朋友通訊要用 Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

Facebook App 和 Facebook Messenger App 兩個 App 都可以用來跟朋友發信息通訊。不過數個月前,已有消息指 Facebook 會將 Facebook app 內的 Messenger 通訊功能移走,用家要用 Facebook Messenger 作通訊。

Facebook App 不會有 Messenger 功能?!
最新消息指,Facebook 可能會在這數天陸續通知用家,要求他們改用 Facebook Messenger 作通訊聯繫。外國科技網站 TechCrunch 就貼出了這段 Facebook 的訊息。

In the next few days, we’re continuing to notify more people that if they want to send and receive Facebook messages, they’ll need to download the Messenger app. As we’ve said, our goal is to focus development efforts on making Messenger the best mobile messaging experience possible and avoid the confusion of having separate Facebook mobile messaging experiences. Messenger is used by more than 200 million people every month, and we’ll keep working to make it an even more engaging way to connect with people.

各位 Facebook 用家要留意,未來數天可能使用 Facebook App 內的 Messenger 時,會有一個提示要改為使用 Facebook Messenger App 呢。

筆者就覺得很麻煩呢,又要安裝多一個 App。我自己就不太喜歡這樣,不過朋友間很少用 Facebook Messenger,若有一天 Facebook App 真是沒有 Messenger 功能,筆者最終可能會不安裝 Facebook Messenger App,忘記它吧。

Source: TechCrunch
