Google 搜尋可以按酒店訂房確認電郵提供建議

Google Search Hotel

Google 搜尋功能越來越強。

若果你有用 Gmail 接收酒店訂房確認電郵,就可以透過 Google 搜尋查找酒店鄰近的吃喝玩樂景點。

只要點按 “咪” 圖示,再說出 Show me restaurants around my hotel” 又或 “Give me directions to my hotel from here”,就可以作出相關搜尋。十分之方便呢。

Traveling this summer? If your hotel confirmation is in your Gmail, you can now ask Google for things to do, eat or see to do nearby without the fuss looking up where you’re staying. Tap the mic on the Google app and say “Show me restaurants around my hotel” or “Give me directions to my hotel from here.” You’ll be finding your way around like a local in no time. 

Source: +Google
