Pokemon GO 将推出 v0.37.0, 有 Buddy Pokemon

Pokemon GO Buddy

早前跟大家介绍过,Pokemon GO 将会加入 Buddy Pokemon 功能,可以选定一只小精灵,陪同训练员一齐走围走,赚取 Candy。

Pokemon GO 团队在 Facebook 出 Post 表示,将会推出 0.37.0 版本,将会有数项改动,包括 Buddy Pokemon。

另外,还有一些问题修正。部份较细小的小精灵,在地图画面往往很难按动,在 0.37.0 版本会有所改进;还会修正有时孵蛋自行孵出但未有动画显示的情况;另外就是在网络切换时会导致程式未能更新甚至 Hang 的情况也会修正,提升稳定性。

– Implemented Buddy Pokémon: Trainers will now be able to choose one of their Pokémon to be their buddy. A Trainer can earn Candy for their Buddy Pokémon by walking a certain distance.
– Made it easier to select smaller Pokémon on the screen.
– Fixed an issue where Eggs would sometimes hatch without displaying the animation.
– Improved performance reliability when a device switches networks to no longer cause the application to hang or stop updating.
– Pokémon GO Plus support
– Minor text fixes.

撰文时 Play Store 上仍未看到新版本推出,大家可以留意有没有新版本,更新后紧记选取一只 Buddy 赚取 Candy 呢。

Source: Pokemon GO Facebook
