Android Wear 2.8 推出, 改进通知检视画面

Android Wear

Google 公布推出 Android Wear 2.8 更新,今次更新有两项改动。

首先是改进通知 Notification 的检视画面,会有更好的摆位布局可以在画面内展示更多文字。第二项是将背景颜色调较更深色,让用家更容易看清楚画面。

– This new update has improved notification glanceability with a new layout which shows more of your message at a glance.
– We have also made the background darker for better readability.

将背景颜色转深黑色,相信也可为采用 OLED 屏幕的手表装置稍微节省用电。

Google 表示更新会在未来数天陆续推送,各位有使用 Android Wear 手表的不妨留意一下。

Source: Android Wear Help
