LG Optimus One 全球銷量達一百萬

LG 發了新聞稿表示 Optimus One 自推出以來40 日總共賣出一百萬部, 成為公司有史以來銷售速度最快的手機. 這部Optimus One 配置了Android 2.2, 3.2吋屏幕, 600Mhz 處理器, 3百萬像素鏡頭, 並配備1,500 mAH電池. 規格上當然不及其他品牌的頂級手機, 只是中階規格手機, 但售價則是入門級, 所以銷售情況理想亦可預期.

下面再找來另一段由韓國男星李敏鎬拍攝的 Optimus One 廣告片.

SEOUL, Nov. 16, 2010 – LG Electronics (LG) today announced that worldwide sales of its Optimus One smartphone have hit one million units just 40 days after the phone’s initial launch. Now available in most of Europe, Asia-Pacific countries and the USA* , the Optimus One is the fastest selling mobile handset in the company’s history.

Source: www.lg.com

