
早前提過Market 將會有改動,引入內容評級制度。程式開發商需要自行為程式進行評級。這個分級制度於數星期後就會在Market 實行。

而Market Developer Console 中已經有了這個選項,開發商可以為自己的程式進行評級,All、Pre-Teen、Teen、Mature。而在 Google 提供的指引中,評級除了就內容是否包含色情、暴力、賭博外,亦有兩項較特別的指引。大家要留意一下,因為這兩個指引,跟不少 Apps 也有關係。

若果 Apps 會讀取位置,就應評為Pre-Teen,若程式容許用戶分享位置,就要評為 Teen或以上級別。

Applications rated “All” should not ask users for their location at any point. Apps that ask to access course or fine location data should be rated “Pre-Teen” or above. Apps that enable users to publish or share their location with others should be rated “Teen” or above.

User Generated Content and User to User Communication
另外,指引亦提到,程式若容許用戶搜尋或跟其他用戶溝通,就應評為 Teen 或以上級別。

User Generated Content and User to User Communication

Apps rated “All” should not host any user generated content or enable communication between users. Apps that focus on allowing users to find and communicate with each other should be rated “Teen” or above.

這個評級制度有開發商自行評定,但若果用戶發現內容跟評級不符,可向Market 舉報,Market 會作出跟進。

Market Content Rating 內容評級
