終於來了 Xperia X10 Gingerbread 升級

Xperia X10 Android 2.3 升級

兜兜轉轉 Xperia X10 Gingerbread 的升級終於推出。

之前才在官方網誌澄清 Xperia X10 Android 2.3 的升級時間,還說需要一些時間。不到兩天,又在網誌內說 “Good news for Friday”,說 Xperia X10 Gingerbread 的升級正式推出。

We are pleased to confirm that the roll out of the software scripts for the Gingerbread upgrade for Xperia X10 has started as of today.

Anyway,對用家來說有升級就可以。升級通知會陸續推送至各用家手機,X10 用家可以留意手機的升級通知,另外升級需經由電腦和 PC Companion 軟件。

You will get a notification in your phone (if your kit is subject to the update) when the software upgrade is available. The software ugrade can only be installed using a computer and PC Companion software.

資料來源:Sony Ericsson Blog
