其他廠商如何看 Google 收購 Motorola Mobility

Larry Page , Google Acquire Motorola Mobility

在 Google CEO Larry Page 的 Google+ 帳戶上,張貼了來自不同廠商 CEO 就 Google 收購 Motorola Mobility 發表的意見,包括了 Samsung, Sony Ericsson, HTC 和 LG。

“We welcome today’s news, which demonstrates Google’s deep commitment to defending Android, its partners, and the ecosystem.”
– J.K. Shin
President, Samsung, Mobile Communications Division

“I welcome Google‘s commitment to defending Android and its partners.”
– Bert Nordberg
President & CEO, Sony Ericsson

“We welcome the news of today‘s acquisition, which demonstrates that Google is deeply committed to defending Android, its partners, and the entire ecosystem.”
– Peter Chou
CEO, HTC Corp.

“We welcome Google‘s commitment to defending Android and its partners.”
– Jong-Seok Park, Ph.D
President & CEO, LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company

四位 CEO 都對這次收購表示歡迎。

Google 這次收購可以將 Motorola Mobility 約 17,000 項專利拿到手,這將可以加強 Android 跟 Apple 或 Microsoft 在專利戰上的力量,亦可確保 Android 整體發展,對各個手機廠商來說這當然是一個不錯的舉動。

資料來源:Larry Page @ Google+
