Angry Birds 新冒險宣傳片

Angry Birds New Adventure 憤怒鳥

Angry Birds 憤怒鳥已經出了很多不同的版本,有萬聖節,情人節,RIO,到最近期的中秋版本。唔知大家會否大些厭倦,還是仍舊十分熱衷呢?

Angry Birds 又有新冒險,今次還有點驚嚇情節,造型都十分有趣。暫時只有宣傳片,甚麼時候推出則未清楚。

It was a dark and stormy night as the Angry Birds’ newest adventure begins. The murky woods has spine-chilling creatures lurking in the shadows, but that won’t stop the Angry Birds. As the birds continue deeper into the forest, a big surprise awaits them. What could it be? Stay tuned for more! Squawk!
