《消費者報告》予多部Android手機頂級評價,iPhone 4S 只屬優異

今早看一些本地中文報章都有標題寫《消費者報告》予iPhone 4S好評,用上激讚等字眼,文章內寫了很多 iPhone 4S的東西,但只簡單寫了一句 iPhone 4S 排名不及幾款 Android手機。

究竟 iPhone 4S 有幾激讚?
iPhone 4S 激讚,那幾部比 iPhone 4S 更好的 Android 手機是否 “激激激讚” 呢?
那機部 Android 手機又是什麼型號呢?

有 Source 有真相,找到了《消費者報告》的原文跟大家分享一下。

Android 頂級, iPhone 4S 優異

iPhone 4S 只屬 very well,獲推薦的其中一部
美國權威性雜誌《消費者報告》Consumer Reports 在早兩天的報告中指出,Apple 的 iPhone 4S 在各方面的表現都較上一代 iPhone 4 優勝,表現屬 very well,屬於近期評級的智能手機獲推薦的其中一部。

The Apple iPhone 4S is among the recommended models in our newly updated Ratings of smart phones. Apple’s newest smart phone performed very well in our tests

其實《消費者報告》原文中所給予的讚賞都是指 iPhone 4S 較上一代 iPhone 優勝,收正了上一代的接收問題,升級了相機,更快的處理器和提供 Siri。

Overall, the new iPhone 4S scores higher in the Ratings than the iPhone 4, thanks to such enhancements as an upgraded camera, a faster “dual-core” processor, and the addition of the intriguing Siri voice-activated feature

Galaxy S II, Droid Bionic , LG Thrill 頂級
《消費者報告》指出,iPhone 4S 較 iPhone 4 優勝,但獲得最高評分的是多部 Android 手機。獲得最頂級評價的包括有:Samsung Galaxy S II,Motorola Droid Bionic 和 LG Thrill。

These pluses were not enough, however, to allow the iPhone 4S to outscore the best new Android-based phones in our Ratings. Those top scorers included the Samsung Galaxy S II phones, the Motorola Droid Bionic, and several other phones

這些 Android 手機都有更高速的網絡連線,而且屏幕亦較 iPhone 4S 大。LG Thrill 就可以拍攝 3D 照片和影片並有 4.3吋3D屏幕。而 Motorola Droid Bionic 亦有 4.3吋高解像度屏幕,在強光環境下仍能清楚顯示。

Other phones that topped the iPhone 4S include the LG Thrill ($100 on AT&T), which has the ability to capture stills and videos in 3D, as well as display them on its 4.3-inch 3D display, and the Motorola Droid Bionic ($300 on Verizon), which also has a superb 4.3-inch, high-resolution (540 x 960) display, with excellent keypad readability under most lighting conditions, even in bright light.

資料來源:Consumer Reports
