SE Xperia 手機用家免費50GB 雲端儲存 (限英國用家?!)

30/11 12:00 更新:有外國網站指出這個優惠限於英國的 Xperia 用家。

1/12 23:40 更新 表示這個活動尚未展開。

You may have noticed that on 11/28/2011, Sony Ericsson mistakenly posted a promo offering Xperia owners 50GB free storage via the Box for Android mobile app. This offer is not active. We are committed to delivering the best Box mobile experience to all our Android customers, and apologize profusely for any misunderstanding.


Xperia Box 50GB Free Cloud Storage

Sony Ericsson 在網頁公佈,跟雲端儲存商 合作,為 Xperia 手機用家提供 50GB 雲端儲存空間。

要享用這個 50GB 儲存空間,只需在 Android Market 下載安裝 Box App,並利用 Sony Ericsson Xperia 手機在 2012年12月31日前 登入,你就會獲得 50GB 免費雲端儲存空間。

Xperia™ exclusive – Get 50 GB free cloud storage for life
Until December 31st 2012, Xperia™ owners can get an exclusive offer of 50GB (yes 50, not 5) free storage in’s cloud. Store, retrieve and edit files from any device, with only one copy in the cloud. specializes in synchronizing their services across different devices. Brilliant, we think.

Simply log in to your account from any Sony Ericsson Xperia Android handset before December 31st 2012. That’s it. Once you have done that you have 50GB free cloud storage on your account for life.

Sony Ericsson 文中未有表明這項服務是否限定某地區用家,還是全球 Xperia 用家也適用,我們當然希望所有 Xperia 用家也可享用呢!

資料來源:Sony Ericsson
