CyanogenMod 9 就快完工,Code Freeze 開始

CyanogenMod 9

Custom ROM CyanogenMod 9 的開發又進入一個新階段 Code Freeze,隨後就會推出不同的 Release Candidate,再經最後階段的調較,就會推出正式版 Stable Release。

所謂 Code Freeze,就是將主開發軸的程式碼範圍鎖定在現有的狀態,不再加入新的功能,只會按現有的程式碼作修正錯誤, 翻譯等後期工作。完成這些工序,就會推出 Release Candidate,繼後就是 Stable Release。當然新功能往後仍會陸續添加的,亦可在 Nightly Builds 找到。

Today we branched our mainline repositories to start the code freeze which will lead us up to the CM9 release. While there are still a number of technical and organizational issues that need to be resolved very quickly, the plan is to quickly iterate through a series of release candidates over the next few weeks. We are still accepting contributions to the main branches, but from here until release day we will only be accepting bugfixes, device support, and translations into the release branch.

數星期內就會有 Release Candidate 推出,而首階段推出時只會支援部份裝置。

今次 CyanogenMod 9 的開發時間較過往長。沒辦法,畢竟 Android 4.0 跟 Android 2.3 有很大分別,無論核心部份,還是功能或界面,都跟之前有很大改進,所以 CM9 所需的開發時間亦較長。

資料來源:CyanogenMod Blog
