Poweramp 減價, 只售 HK$7.88

Poweramp Music Player

Poweramp 一直被視為 Android 最正的音樂播放器,無論操作介面,還是功能都十分完善。PowerAmp 原本售價為 US$3.99,即約 HK$30。但現在大減價,只售 US$0.99 / HK$7.88。

根據 Poweramp Facebook 所講,今次是最後的減價機會,想買 Poweramp 的就要趁平入手呢。

We’re having a sale for Poweramp to start the year on the right foot. We hope your do not miss this chance because we are not planning to do anymore after this. The sale has started so go on to the Play Store …

Poweramp Play Store 連結 (可試用15天)

而下面是 Poweramp Unlocker Play Store 連結
