HTC RE Camera 支援 Youtube Live Stream 直播

HTC RE Camera Youtube Live Stream

HTC RE Camera 相機明天會有新功能了,支援 Youtube Live Stream 直播。

HTC 將會在 1月9日推出 RE Camera App 更新。更新後,就可以登入自己的 Youtube Channel,之後就可以啟動 Live Stream。

Youtube Live Stream 可以讓朋友即時看到現場實況,亦可選擇是公開還是只限予特定的朋友。而 Youtube Live Stream 亦有回放功能,就算錯過了也可回看 Playback。

With the RE app, sign in to your YouTube channel and activate live streaming. Once verified, broadcasting from your RE is a snap. Any live footage you wish to share is transmitted directly from RE to your smartphone, which then sends your broadcast to your YouTube channel.

Invite people to view the event by sending your broadcast link to tune in via SMS or social networks. Even if they can’t watch it live, the link will continue to be active, even after the broadcast ends.

