SEGA 將會從 Play Store 移除多隻遊戲

SEGA Mobile Games

SEGA 在官方網誌貼文,表示將會從 Google Play Store, Apple App Store, Amazon App Store 等移除多隻遊戲。

SEGA 表示他們致力為遊戲玩家提供有趣而高質的手機,讓玩家可以有良好的玩樂體驗。但經過最新的評估後,發現有部份遊戲未能符合他們的標準,所以會在未來數星期將這些遊戲從各個平台中移去。SEGA 表示不排除在適當情況下,這些遊戲會有更新再次推出。

SEGA 未有透露涉及的遊戲名稱。至於原先已購買遊戲的玩家,遊戲依舊會保存在 Purchased Apps 內,若果刪除後仍舊可以再次下載,轉換新手機亦可再次下載,直至遊戲未能兼容手機的軟件或硬件為止。

If you have already purchased a game that is being removed from the store you will be able to continue to play it after it’s been taken down. It will remain in your purchased apps where you will be able to download it again if you delete it or acquire a new device until the game becomes incompatible with the latest phone operating systems or hardware.

Source: SEGA
