Huawei P9 宣傳相片, 用 Canon 單反機拍攝?!

Huawei P9 Sample Cheat

華為早前在 Google+ 貼出了 Huawei P9 的宣傳文,並附有一張女仕相片 (上圖)。貼文就寫著

We managed to catch a beautiful sunrise with Deliciously Ella. The #HuaweiP9’s dual Leica cameras makes taking photos in low light conditions like this a pleasure.

看完這段文字,大家很容易也會理解成這張相片是用 Huawei P9 拍攝。但隨即就被踼爆其實這張相片是用 Canon 5D Mark III 拍攝的,可以看到 Exif 的資料,而且有人 Cap 圖留底。

Huawei P9 Sample Exif

華為這段文字解說都有點取巧,當中用了 “like this” 字眼。若果它寫明是用其他相機,但 P9 也可拍攝到如這樣,那就沒問題。但華為沒有提及其他相機,似乎是有意無意誤導讀者。華為被踼爆後,隨即將文章和相片刪除,指該張相片只是用來跟讀者分享,並指應該將有關相片的資料在貼文清楚寫明,表示無意誤導讀者並致歉。

It has recently been highlighted that an image posted to our social channels was not shot on the Huawei P9. The photo, which was professionally taken while filming a Huawei P9 advert, was shared to inspire our community. We recognise though that we should have been clearer with the captions for this image. It was never our intention to mislead. We apologise for this and we have removed the image.

其實 Huawei P9 在大陸微博上的宣傳,早前亦被踼爆做假。早前華為在微博貼文宣傳,又是用了 Canon 單反相機拍攝的相片,說成是 P9 所拍攝,而且更是盜用別人的相片。事後,華為就在網絡上不斷刪掉文章,當成沒事發生一樣。有興趣也可以看看 “華為P9媲美單反?然而照片就是單反拍的啊……

不只是一次用單反相機的相片作宣傳,Huawei P9 的宣傳有心還是無意誤導,各位自己䚘量呢。

Source: 1, 2, 3
