Android 7.1 Developer Preview 今個月內推出

上星期 Google 公佈了多項新產品包括 Pixel Phone,亦掲開了 Android 7.1 的布幕,Google 最新亦正式在 Developer Blog 公佈 Android 7.1 Developer Preview 的消息。

Android Beta Program
Google 表示會在今個月稍後時間推出 Android 7.1 Developer Preview,以讓開發人員參與試用,跟之前一樣 Developer Preview 會經由 Android Beta Program 推出,而 Android 7.1.x 的 Final release 版本就預計在 12 初月推出。

Android 7.1 是 7.0 的 Increment Update,亦加入了多項新功能,包括:Daydream VR 支援, A/B System Updates, App Shortcuts 以及 Image Keyboard Support。

Android 7.1 App Shortcuts

對於用家來說,App Shortcuts 應是最常接觸最易看到的改動。在 Launcher 內, App Icon 可以加入最多五個 Shortcuts 操作,可以讓用家直接控制 App 某些特定操作,更加直接方便,另外還會支援圓形 App Icon。

– App shortcuts API — lets you surface key actions directly in the launcher and take your users deep into your app instantly. You can create up to 5 shortcuts, either statically or dynamically.
– Circular app icons support — lets you provide great-looking rounded icon resources that match the look of Pixel and other launchers.
– Enhanced live wallpaper metadata — lets you provide metadata about your live wallpapers to any picker displaying the wallpapers as a preview. You can show existing metadata such as label, description, and author, as well as a new context URL and title to link to more information.
– Image keyboard support — expands the types of content that users can enter from their keyboards, letting them express themselves through custom stickers, animated gifs, and more. Apps can tell the keyboard what types of content they accept, and keyboards can deliver all of the images and other content that they offer to the user. For broad compatibility, this API will also be available in the support library.
– Storage manager Intent — lets an app take the user directly to a new Settings screen to clear unused files and free up storage space on the device.

Source: Android Developers Blog
