Google 出手打擊 Play Store 內 “假評論”, “谷數” Apps

Google Play Store

Google Play Store 上 Apps 的競爭十分激烈,每個類型的 Apps 都有數之不盡的選擇,免費收費都有。若果 App 的用戶評價不高, 下載量不大的話,很快就會在海量選擇中沉沒,難以突圍而出。有部份 Apps Developer 會出古惑,自行製造假評論, 做五星評分,甚至自己谷大下載量,以求吸引大眾的注意下載。

we observe instances of developers attempting to manipulate the placement of their apps through illegitimate means like fraudulent installs, fake reviews, and incentivized ratings. These attempts not only violate the Google Play Developer Policy, but also harm our community of developers

Google 也知悉有此問題存在,對於 Play Store 用家當然不好,用家或會被假評論假下載量蒙騙,打擊用家體驗亦影響了整個 Play Store Apps 生態發展。Google 最新就公佈會在 Play Store 推出新的偵測和過濾系統可以防止有關情況。

Today we are rolling out improved detection and filtering systems to combat such manipulation attempts. If an install is conducted with the intention to manipulate an app’s placement on Google Play, our systems will detect and filter it. Furthermore, developers who continue to exhibit such behaviors could have their apps taken down from Google Play.

Google 表示若果安裝 App 單純只為了 App 在 Play Store 上的排名,系統會有能力可自動偵測到並會作出過濾。若果 Developer 一方持續有關做法的話,Google 會將有關的 Apps 下架。

Google 亦特提醒若 Apps 開發商聘請第三方以協助 Apps 推廣的話,開發商應向有關公司確認以致遵守有關的規則。

Source: Android Developers Blog
