Samsung Pay 開始支援 PayPal

Samsung Pay PayPal

Samsung 跟 PayPal 上年 7月已達成合作協議,將會在 Samsung Pay 內加入支援 PayPal 帳戶,但合作公佈後就未再有任何推出消息。

終於今天 PayPal 就在官網貼文表示,Samsung Pay 支援 PayPal 帳戶已陸續推出。用家可以在 Samsung Pay 加入 PayPal 帳戶,並用於購物付款。

Today, we have begun rolling out the ability for consumers to use PayPal within Samsung Pay and make purchases at the millions of retailers that accept Samsung Pay. Samsung Pay users can load their PayPal account with the debit card or bank account found in their PayPal Wallet for use in-store

在 Samsung Pay 內加入 PayPal,亦十分簡單。在 Samsung Pay 內按 [+] 之後在 Add payment card 內選擇 Add PayPal,之後輸入帳戶資料,並設定密碼用作 In-store Purchase 就可以。

Source: PayPal
