Google Play Pass 月費計劃推出, 可享數百 Apps 和遊戲, 不設廣告 In-App Purchase

Google Play Pass 月費計劃

Google 公佈推出 Google Play Pass 月費計劃,用家登記參與後可享數百款 Apps 和遊戲,不用另外付費購買,而且 Apps 和遊戲內不設廣告,亦沒有 In-App Purchase。

月費US$4.99 可跟家庭成員分享
Google Play Pass 會在今個星期在美國推出,稍後會在其他國家推出。用家可有 10天免費試用,月費為 US$4.99。而現在更會有優惠,首12個月月費為 US$1.99,之後月費才會是 US$4.99。

Play Pass is coming to Android devices in the U.S. this week, and we’ll be bringing it to additional countries soon. You can get started with a 10-day free trial and subscribe for just $4.99/month.

Google Play Pass 月費計劃

Google Play Pass 亦可以跟五名家庭成員分享使用,各個成員可獨立存取 Play Pass。

family managers can share their Play Pass subscription with up to five other family members. Each family member can access Play Pass individually,

Google Play Pass 內包含超過 350款 Apps 和遊戲,當中包括有 Terraria, Monument Valley, Risk, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, AccuWeather 等,而每個月亦會加入一些新 Apps 和遊戲。

Google Play Pass Apps

Source: Google Blog
