LG Velvet 推出 Android 11 Beta Preview

LG Velvet Android 11 Beta

LG 公佈為韓國 LG Velvet 推出 Android 11 Beta Preview Program,用家可以登記參與。

Android 11 Beta Preview 只限於韓國當地 SKT, KT 和 LG U+ 網絡商的 LG Velvet 用家參與,可以經由 LG Quick Help App 登記,之後就會收到 OTA 更新通知。Android 11 Beta 改動包括

Added a notification window for conversation
Added message bubble function
Added function to check deleted notification history
Added ’Allow this time only’ function to grant permission only once when running the app
Added the ability to hide silent notifications
IoT device control function added to the power screen
Navigation bar hiding function added to gesture mode
Night time lapse and quick view function added to basic camera application
QR code scanning function added to basic camera application settings
Added keyboard size and position adjustment function

至於其他地區的 LG Velvet 何時會有 Android 11 Beta 版本以及 Android 11 Beta 何時推出,LG 方面就未有消息。

