Sony Tablet 终于出手!

Sony Tablet S1 S2

各大厂商陆续加入 Android Tablet 战场,由最先出手的 Motorola, 到近期推出市场的 Acer 和 Asus,还有不断吹风的 HTC, Samsung, Toshiba 等,厂商都积极投入,但电子产品怎可少了 Sony 的参与呢?!

Sony 刚刚在东京发布了两部 Android Tablet S1 和 S2 的消息。

S1 9.4吋, S2 双屏幕
S1 规格
– 9.4吋屏幕
– Android 3.0
– NVIDIA Tegra 2 处理器
– 设有前后相机镜头
– Wifi, 3G/4G
– PlayStation Certified devices

S2 规格
– 双 5.5吋 1024 x 480屏幕
– 对折式设计
– Android 3.0
– NVIDIA Tegra 2 处理器
– 设有前后相机镜头
– Wifi, 3G/4G
– PlayStation Certified devices

根据新闻稿所示,这两部 Sony Tablet 会在今年秋季在全球推出。下面亦有这两部机的短片视频。

Sony Corporation (“Sony”), announces “Sony Tablet” that delivers the perfect combination of hardware, content and network with seamless usability for a high-quality, engaging entertainment experience. Based on decades of engineering heritage, Sony is developing two tablets with unprecedented design, including S1 (codename) which is optimized for rich media entertainment and S2 (codename) which is ideal for mobile communication and entertainment. “Sony Tablet” will become available in the global market starting in fall 2011.

资料来源: Android Police, Press Release
