教宗也用 Sony Tablet 做圣诞树亮灯

Sony Tablet S Xmas Tree Lighting

教宗本笃十六世昨天在梵蒂冈,透过 Sony Tablet S 进行一项圣诞树亮灯仪式。

教宗在梵蒂冈点按 Sony Tablet S 平板,透过互联网为意大利当地一个市镇的大型圣诞树作亮灯仪式。

在梵蒂冈的新闻稿亦特别标明是用运行 Android 系统的 Sony 平板进行仪式。

Benedict XVI will activate the illumination from his apartments in the Vatican Apostolic Palace. He will touch the screen of a Sony “Tablet” with an “Android” operating system which, via the Internet, will transmit the command to switch on the electric current to the tree.

资料来源:MSNBC, visnews
