“The Beauty of Organic Curves” Galaxy Nexus 设计灵感

Galaxy Nexus Magnolia Petal 玉兰花瓣

Galaxy Nexus 从侧望时,有一个微弯的外形,非常抢眼。原来这设计是来自玉兰花瓣的。

到底它的设计概念如何?Samsung 网站就找来了它的设计师 TaeJoong Kim 和 GiYoung Lee 来讲解一下。

Galaxy Nexus Designer

Galaxy Nexus 的设计灵感来玉兰花瓣,希望有在半空中飘落的玉兰花瓣微弯的形态。

The inspiration for the Nexus came from an image of a magnolia petal floating in midair. The goal was to capture the delicate beauty of the curve of a magnolia petal as it falls to the ground.


Nature is authentic and infinite. Before, we tried to take inspiration from polished sports cars and other graceful designs… but then we realized that nature was the source of all inspiration.


A metallic varnish was chosen for the main color, to give a sense of class, … Also for the back cover we used a Soft Feel varnish, for improved grip. In addition to metallic silver and white, there are other colors in development for various regions.

Also to make the device more streamlined, we rearranged the hardware components.

有兴趣看原文的,可到 Samsung Tomorrow 网站查看,内容是英文的。
