Kit Kat 4.4 官方介绍影片 :)

今次 Google 跟雀巢公司合作,将 Android 4.4 版本跟 KitKat 连系上来,真是超有创意的商业合作。之前大家都在估,继 J 字头的 Jelly Bean 后,K 字头的版本甜品会是什么?而在一些 Google 影片中亦曾有 Key Lime Pie 的公仔图案出现过,所以大家都会估是 Key Lime Pie。

fun and unexpected
但 Google 保密功夫做得十足,事前没有半点风声,Android KitKat 确实让人意想不到呢。很多人都会问这个合作 (冠名赞助?),到底涉及多少金额呢。在 BBC 的访问中,Android 高层表示这次合作不是单纯一个金钱交易,而是希望做一些有趣和超越想像的事情。

“This is not a money-changing-hands kind of deal,” John Lagerling, director of Android global partnerships, told the BBC.

Instead, he said, the idea was to do something “fun and unexpected”.

Android 造型 KitKat
Android KitKat

KitKat 除了会送 Nexus 7 和 Google Play Credit 外,亦有特别版的 Android 造型 KitKat。

To mark the release of Android KitKat, more than 50 million specially branded KitKat bars will be available in 19 countries including Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, Dubai, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The packs will lead consumers to the website where they will have the opportunity to win prizes including a limited number of Google Nexus 7 tablets, and credits to spend in Google Play, Google’s online store for apps, games, music, movies, books and more.

KitKat 4.4 影片
说了这么多 KitKat 4.4 到底是什么模样?就是四四方方的 Chocolate Bar,一只手指长,四只手指阔,2 Mega-Bites, 4-Mega-Bites, or Chunky Bites! 下面有 Official 影片介绍,还可以到 查看 🙂

资料来源:BBC, Nestle
