Apple Music 更新, 歌曲可储存至 microSD

Apple Music SD Card

Apple Music 推出了更新,今次最主要改进是可以将歌曲下载并储存至 microSD 卡内。除此之外,还可以查看 Beats 1 的时间表,另外还可以按作曲等搜寻音乐。

This update adds downloading songs to an SD card, so you can now keep more music offline. You can also:
• See the full schedule of Beats 1 shows, making it easy to tune in to your favorite ones.
• Browse My Music by Composers and Compilations, which help you find music your classical albums or movie soundtracks.

早前在 Play Store 初推出时评价一般,在 Play Store 上评分只有 3.3,不少人给予一星评分。Apple Music for Android 现在还是 Beta 阶段,开始使用时还会有三个月的免费试用。经过今次更新,不知大众会否改观呢。
