Android O “AutoFill” 功能示范

Android O AutoFill

早前介绍过 Android O 会加入了 AutoFill 功能,在 Apps 内若要输入登入资料,就可以选择对应的 “AutoFill” App (就如选 Keyboard App 般),再由 “AutoFill” App 自动填入资料。

而密码管理 App “1Password” 就制作了一段示范影片,展示 Android O 的 AutoFill 功能和操作方式。

影片示范 Login 登入 Twitter,在 Login 名称一栏下方就会有一个提示可以选按 “1Password” App。点按后,就可用指纹启动 1Password。跟着 Login 名称栏下方就会有 之前已储存的 Twitter 帐户选择,只要选按就会自动填上 Login 和 Password 资料。

after navigating to the login page in the Twitter app, the Autofill Framework notified 1Password that there were some fields that could be filled. 1Password then responded by letting the Autofill Framework know it recognized those fields as a login form, but that it needed to be unlocked first. I was then prompted to unlock 1Password if I wanted to continue.

After I unlocked 1Password with my fingerprint, my example Twitter credentials were displayed in a dropdown provided by the Autofill Framework and automatically filled when I tapped on them.

简单而言,就是选按 支援 AutoFill App,跟着用指纹解锁 AutoFill App,之后就可选择加载之前已储存的帐户资料,整个过程都算流畅简单。

Source: AgileBits Blog
