Android Pay 快将登陆台湾, 并会支援 PayPal

Android Pay 手机付款服务目前已在 10个国家地区推出,稍后将会登陆台湾, 加拿大, 西班牙, 巴西以及俄罗斯。另外除了现有的 Visa 和 Mastercard 外,亦会引入支援 PayPal。

Android Pay is now available in 10 markets, with more coming soon, including Brazil, Canada, Russia, Spain and Taiwan.

Payment API
Google Payment AP

Google 方面亦透露了一些 Android Pay 和 Online Payment 的发展。Google 公布了 Google Payment API,可以让用家在 App 内或网上透过已核实的信用咭付款。就如下图,在 App 内为购物车付款,点按就会显示Google 帐户内所连结的信用咭资料,跟着选择信用咭就可进行付款程序,用家不如繁复地输入信用咭资料。

For users, the option to pay with Google means breezing through checkout without needing to remember and type multiple lines of payment details. You simply choose your preferred card, enter a security code or authenticate with your Android device, and check out.

另外,Google Assistant 亦可以用于付款或接收金钱。只要向 Google Assistant 说出 “Ok Google, send $10 to Jane for pizza”,Google Assistant 就会作出回应安排付款,跟着只要做验証 (例如用指纹) 确认就可以。这项服务稍后会在美国推出。

Google Assistant Payment

Source: Google Blog
