Pokemon GO 一周年, 推出特别版比卡超

Pokemon GO 一周年

Pokemon GO 上年七月推出,随即在全球掀起热潮,现在已经是一周年,虽然热潮已退,但仍然有不少玩家继续捉小精灵。Niantic Labs 除了之前推出了大型更新外,亦有今天起至 7月24日推出特别活动庆祝生日。

在活动期间会有特别版头戴 Cap 帽的比卡超出现,这是期间限定的,所以要趁著这段时间去补捉牠呢。另外,活动期间亦会有限量 Anniversary Box,内里包括有孵蛋器, Max Revive, Ultra Ball 和 Raid Passes,在游戏内商店以折扣推出。

Pikachu discovered in the wild will be wearing Ash’s famous hat from the Pokémon animated series, so make sure you don’t miss out on your opportunity to catch one! You’ll also be able to stock up for Raid Battles and the events ahead with the special limited-time Anniversary Box, which will include Incubators, Max Revives, Ultra Balls, and Raid Passes at a discount in the in-game shop.

Source: Niantic Labs
