Skype 更新, 新增颜色主题, 可显示 Status

Skype App 上个月推出了一个大更新,在界面功能上都有很多不同的改进。最近又再推出了更新,新增颜色主题,亦可以显示朋友的 Status。


Skype Color Theme

第二项是在 Chat 画面内,可以看到朋友的 Status,知道哪一位正在 Active。

Skype Contact Status

另外分享支援亦有改进,在其他 App 应用分享内容至 Skype Chats 更加容易。

Skype Share

– Status display for your contacts on the home screen, so you can easily see who is active
– Native sharing capabilities on both Android and iOS, allowing you to share content to Skype chats from other apps and services
– More themes and colors options to enable you to personalize Skype
– An updated user interface to improve legibility and to make it easier to navigate and access your conversations
