Google Assistant 更新政策, 默认不储存 Audio Data

Google Assistant

Google Assistant 很方便,可以透过语音就可以进行不同的操控,不过也引来一些私隐关注,不少人也担心那些语音讯息指令会被 Google 保留甚至套用。最新 Google Assistant 就修改了一些私隐政策,可进一步保障用家的私隐。

首先,Google Assistant 默认不储存任何 Audio Data。

By default, we don’t retain your audio recordings. This has been the case, and will remain unchanged. You can still use the Assistant to help you throughout the day, and have access to helpful features like Voice Match.

若果用家在设定内启动了 Voice & Audio Activity setting,Google 才会储存 Audio Data,以让 Google Assistant 可以不断学习辨认用家的声音,以提升辨认的准确度。 Google 亦表明旗下的语音专家有机会听取这些录音讯息,以便调整 Google Assistant,而听取的只占全部 Audio Data 约 0.2%。

We take a number of precautions to protect data during the human review process—audio snippets are never associated with any user accounts and language experts only listen to a small set of queries (around 0.2 percent of all user audio snippets), only from users with VAA turned on.

今年稍后时间,Google 会有更新可以让用家设定时限,当 Audio Data 超过这个时限就会自动删除。

Source: Google Blog
