PES 2020 Mobile 十月下旬推出

PES 2020 Mobile

踏入九月,英超早已经开锣,其他地方的足球联赛亦陆续开锣,而足球游戏当然也会更新迎接新球季,Konami 的 PES 2020 Mobile 就定于十月下旬推出。

今季 PES 2020 Mobile 除了继续跟巴塞罗那合作外,亦会跟其他三大联赛球会曼联, 拜仁和祖云达斯合作,玩家将可以看到几个球会的设施设备等重现在游戏内。

In addition to the renewal of our partnership with FC Barcelona, we are also proud to announce new partnerships with several of the world’s most exciting clubs, including global giants Manchester United, German champions FC Bayern München and Italian champions Juventus – who feature exclusively in PES 2020.

另外到了十二月,全新的 Online 模式 Matchday 就会推出,玩可以参与 Online Event。

In Matchday, you’ll align yourself with one of two different sides at the start of each event, wherein you’ll stand alongside PES newcomers and seasoned veterans alike as you work together to gradually build an advantage for your side ahead of a grand final showdown.


Source: Konami
