Pokemon Go 第五代小精灵登场

Pokemon Go 合众地区

Pokemon Go 游戏已经推出了三年多,亦不断加入小精露,最新就会引进第五代合众地区小精灵登场。

今次新增的小精灵来自合众地区,包括有藤藤蛇, 暖暖猪, 水水獭, 扒手猫, 豆豆鸽等,除了可以在野外捕捉第五代小精灵,亦可以透过 2KM, 5KM 和 10KM 蛋孵化出这些小精灵。

Pokemon Go 合众地区小精灵

而今次更新亦加设了 “合众石” 道具,可以让“灯火幽灵”进化为“水晶灯火灵”。

Pokémon GO: Pokémon from Unova Region Arrive to Real-World Game

Niantic and The Pokémon Company have announced that Pokémon from the Unova region will soon begin appearing in Pokémon GO along with additional rewards. Starting later today at 1PM PDT, Trainers can encounter Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Purrloin, Pidove, Blitzle and more Pokémon from the Unova region while exploring the world around them. Additionally, Trainers can team up with their friends to challenge Lillipup, Patrat and Klink in Raid Battles. More Pokémon originating from the Unova region will be making their way to Pokémon GO over the weeks and months ahead!

A new trailer celebrating Pokémon from the Unova region arriving to Pokémon GO can be found here.

For more information, check out the full blog post here and copied below for easy reference. A downloadable video and key art can be found here.

Source: 1, 2
