Fortnite 游戏终于登陆 Google Play Store

Fortnite 要塞英雄

由 Epic Games 开发的游戏 Fortnite 要塞英雄 (堡垒之夜),推出了 Android 版本超过一年多之后,终于都登陆 Google Play Store。

Epic Games 在 2018年推出 Android 版本时,由于不认同 Google Play Store 的规范协议以及 Play Store 分成过高,所以改为自行发布 APK 档案让玩家自行安装。对于玩家来说,这确实带来一点不便,玩家在 Play Store 搜寻不到 Fortnite,需要另外到 Epic Games 网站登记下载 Fortnite 游戏安装,而且安装过程亦有点烦复。

终于经过一年半时,Epic Games 决定将 Fortnite 在 Play Store 上架,玩家可在 Play Store 下载,而 Epic Games 仍继续维持本身的 Epic Games App 下载方式。在 Android 版本的 Fortnite 跟其他系统如 PS4, Switch 会有相同的游戏体验,相同地图和玩法,亦同样会有定期更新。

虽然 Fortnite 正式登陆 Google Play Store,但 Epic Games 仍指出 Google 透过技术和商业措施例如 Google Play Protect,致令 Play Store 以外的 App 下载常被视为不妥当,使其处于劣势。Epic Games 希望 Google Play 在将来能修改有关政策,让游戏开发商可以在更加公平和开放的环境上竞争。

Epic Games 仍是不满 Google Play Store 的做法,但在现实环境下 Play Store 拥有绝对优势,所以无奈地接受 Play Store 协议将游戏上架。下面是 Epic Games 的全文。

After 18 months of operating Fortnite on Android outside of the Google Play Store, we’ve come to a basic realization:

Google puts software downloadable outside of Google Play at a disadvantage, through technical and business measures such as scary, repetitive security pop-ups for downloaded and updated software, restrictive manufacturer and carrier agreements and dealings, Google public relations characterizing third party software sources as malware, and new efforts such as Google Play Protect to outright block software obtained outside the Google Play store.

Because of this, we’ve launched Fortnite for Android on the Google Play Store. We’ll continue to operate the Epic Games App and Fortnite outside of Google Play, too.

We hope that Google will revise its policies and business dealings in the near future, so that all developers are free to reach and engage in commerce with customers on Android and in the Play Store through open services, including payment services, that can compete on a level playing field.

可以按下面连结从 Play Store 下载安装 Fortnite。
