Google Assistant 将增设 Guest Mode

Google Assistant

Google Assistant 可以经常帮到问天气, 查询日程等,这些查问通通都会被记录保存至 Google 帐户内。但总会有些情况不想将查询的问题记录下来,Google 公布将会在未来数星期推出 Guest Mode 功能。

当在家居装置使用 Google Assistant 只需要简单的语言指令,就可以开启 Guest Mode。在 Guest Mode 下,所有跟 Google Assistant 的互动都不会被记录。用家可以随时终止 Guest Mode 转回至正常模式,可以有完整个人化的 Google Assistant 体验。

in the coming weeks, we’ll be introducing Guest mode—a new way to use your Google Assistant on home devices. With an easy voice command, you can turn on Guest mode, and your Assistant interactions while in this mode won’t be saved to your account.

Google 现时只简单介绍了 Guest Mode,亦未清楚用什么指令启动 Guest Mode,相信要待正式推出时,就会有更详尽的说明。

Source: Google Blog
